Saturday, March 5, 2011

Filesonic: Why Pay Per Sale is better than Pay Per Download

As you can see with my previous post here, I'm averaging $20 a week with Filesonic's Pay Per Download (PPD) affiliate plan. I switched to Pay Per Sale (PPS) on the 19th of February. Below is my earnings for my first PPS week.

This proves that PPS is really better than PPD :) If my sales stats keeps getting better then I will switch to the ELITE Plan - 85% or $12 per sale.

Register here to join Filesonic!

Sayonara Hotfile

I finally got suspended by Hotfile. The good thing is my account got suspended after I got paid. My 2nd account got suspended too. So now with Hotfile gone, I can concentrate more with Filesonic :) Here is my last payment received from Hotfile.

5th Payment from Incrasebux

I panicked one day when the Incrasebux forum went missing. So I asked what's happening via support team's chat group. I found out that the admin of Incrasebux is fixing some bugs and improving the forum. Here's my 5th payment from Incrasebux showing that they are still paying instantly :)